Friday Fun Reels!

Do you ever feel like all your social media is flat and boring? Well, I certainly have. And recently stumbled on an idea that has spurned my creativity again.

I had a vintage tricycle and a vintage dollhouse. Every time I would hear the chorus “ I ride my bicycle past your house.” So one day I asked my neighbor, Todd, Tenden if he would be willing to ride the tricycle past the house, and then I dropped the song in the reel.

It was so much fun and got a great reaction. That spurned the idea. Since that Friday it’s been four Fridays and I’m still having fun finding songs that match the vintage item I have in the store.

Plus it’s been great having city staff, Coast Guard Director, and more of my neighborhood get involved. And it seems like everyone is having fun with this idea/reel.

Sending me your song ideas, vintage items to look for, and checkout the past month of Friday reels.

Yay for fun creative changes and friends who will play along. <3


Opening a new business? Please do this!


Store Overhaul