Sometimes it takes a village

Last Friday I went to an amazing estate sale at the bottom of Michigan. The basement (of course, all the good heavy stuff in always in the basement!) was full of fabulous vintage furniture. I just kept pulling tags and bringing them up to the check-out counter. Now, after deciding on five pieces I started carrying the smaller pieces up. I’m also calling my husband to see if he’s willing to make the drive back in a few days to get this big, heavy cabinet out of the house. He was willing, but certainly not excited, about making the trip back. In the meantime one of the ladies working at the sale asked this guy if he was willing to help me. Great! So we head downstairs and assess how to get this out of the basement. Because I've learned this the hard way I had measured to make sure it would fit the path out prior to purchasing the cabinet! (certainly could share many of those “it was made in the basement” with you!), so I knew it would fit. However, the basement had a low ceiling with heating tubes that hung very low. So we first moved everything so we could tip the cabinet on the side. Then we carried it as low to the floor as we could out of the side room to the main room. Then we had to clear the second room to get to the steps. However, at this point we realized the cabinet was a tank and we didn’t think we could get it up the narrow stairway by ourselves. So he calls in a friend. Now the three of us created the plan to get it up the steps (one step at a time!)…but after nearly an hour it was out of the house and waiting to get on my truck. One good hoist and it was ready to be strapped down for the trip home. So, it took three of us, with random people helping move things along the way, but we did it! I think we all cheered :). The cabinet though….totally worth it <3


8 Years, 8 Lessons


Wrapping up 2022