Wrapping up 2022

And just like that 2022 is coming to an end. The year certainly went quickly.

As I reflect on the year it comes with all the emotions:

Wonderful: I’m so thankful for customers that have become friends. So fun to share life with people you enjoy AND who love vintage treasures.

Team: My business neighborhood is a blessing. We support, work together, encourage, and I just don’t think I could run my own business without this amazing group of friends.

Tough: Yet more adjusting from “coming out of Covid.” Seems like things are still changing, and I don’t know about you but I’m tired of the word “pivot!”

Learning: This past year I bought all the supplies and plan to host a podcast with my junker friends starting in January (I’m not a techie so fingers crossed I can master this!)

Fun: I loved hosting Flea on Seventh again this year. It was SO great to see all the faces, friends and enjoy a vintage-filled day.

Adjusting: Always trying to figure out what is selling, what is not, how to show, display and price. This business changes and some days I feel behind….and then other days I feel like I nailed it. But business, customers and trends are always moving…so I’m always adjusting.

Trying New Things: I’m game to try anything once. That is how I learn…buy and it doesn’t sell, ok. Be part of show that wasn’t so great, ok. But you have to try everything once.

Adventure: I am always game for a road trip. And a junkin road trip is the best. Big long trips with my hubby (he’s better with the trailer and bungee cords and straps) and lots of day trips with girlfriends.

Phantasmagoric: (A sequence of real, or imaginary, images like those seen in a dream) That’s the best word I can think of when you own your dream store.

Here’s to 2023 and chasing my little vintage store dreams! Blessings friends!

Wishing you, and yours, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Sometimes it takes a village


Flea on Seventh 2022